Thursday, 9 February 2012


Please state your gender:

1. Which type of music do you prefer?
 Pop
 Rock
 Country
 Dance
 Punk
 Rap
 Indie
 Other: Please state ______________________
2. Do you own a source of music storage e.g. iPod
 Yes
 No

3. How many hours per day would you say you spent listening to music?
 0
 1-2
 3-4
 More than 4
 4. How do you get your music?
 Download it legally
 Download it illegally
 Purchase it from stores
 Purchase it online
 Other: please state ________________________
 5. How much would you pay for an album?
 Nothing
 £1 - £5
 £6-£10
 More than £10
 It depends on who’s it is
 6. How do you listen to music? Please tick all that apply:
 iPod
 Computer
 Radio
 Mobile Phone
 CD’s
 TV
 7. Do you read music magazines?
 Yes
 No
 8. If yes, how often do you read them?
 Every day
 Every week
 Every couples of weeks
 Every month
 Other: Please State ______________
 9. Please state the name of the magazine you read:
 10. Are you subscribed to a music magazine?
 Yes
 No
 11. Do you feel music magazines target more males or females?
 Male
 Female
 They target both
 12. What attracts you to a magazine?

13. Do you think there is a place for another type of music magazine?
 Yes
 No
 14. If ‘Yes’, which genre of music do you feel could have their own magazine?
 Pop
 Rock
 Indie
 Punk
 Dance
 Country
 Rap
 Other: Please State ______________________
 15. Would you want extras within a music magazines, e.g. posters etc

 16. If you do not buy magazines why is this?
 Too expensive
 I have no interest in music
 I can find out everything I need to know via the internet
 Other, please state: ______________
 17. Do you own any band merchandise?
 Yes
 No
 18. If so what do you own?

 Wrist band
 Poster
 Autograph
 Cd
 Hoodie
 Tops
 Other, please state: ___________
 19. Have you got a favourite artist? Please state who if so:
 Yes, please state: _______
 No
 20. If you saw your favourite artist on a magazine would you be more likely to buy it?

 Yes
 no

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